Jesus, Our Brother
Shame is nothing new, but in recent years it’s stolen the spotlight. Shame is everywhere you turn. We carry around shame because we don’t feel like we measure up, because of past abuse, wounding words spoken over us, rejection from someone we loved or looked up to. We also bear it as a result of our own doing—the actions we’ve taken, or didn’t take, that have caused us shame are more than we can bear.
Lent Devotion: Jesus, Our Brother
Every week leading up to Easter, I'm sending out devotions on the Person of Jesus. If you'd like to receive the rest of these devotions in...
The Beautiful Irony of Fasting – Lent Devotion
A couple of years ago, I did the Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory. I drank only water and ate essentially lettuce and rice for 30 days. (I checked the rules and coffee didn’t count as water, so I almost died.) During that fast, I needed some direction and had pressing aches in my life that I wanted the Lord to address and fix. But during that time, I sensed Jesus saying, “Don’t seek the fix; seek My face.”
My Perfect Night: 15 Ideas for the Table (Plus a 15 Bean Soup Recipe)
If I could distill my perfect night, it would include being around the dinner table with family and friends, eating something homemade. In...
Waking Up To An Incoming Ballistic Missile Alert
I had just woken up when the following alert came across my phone: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER....
A Newer You in the New Year
Happy New Year, friends. If you’re anything like me, every last Christmas tree needle has been swept from the house, the gnarls of...