My Perfect Night: 15 Ideas for the Table (Plus a 15 Bean Soup Recipe)
If I could distill my perfect night, it would include being around the dinner table with family and friends, eating something homemade. In...
Waking Up To An Incoming Ballistic Missile Alert
I had just woken up when the following alert came across my phone: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER....
A Newer You in the New Year
Happy New Year, friends. If you’re anything like me, every last Christmas tree needle has been swept from the house, the gnarls of...
Praying for God’s Way to be Our Way
It’s funny how a single word in Scripture can tip the scales with the weight of a boulder, even a word as seemingly insignificant as a...
Letting Go of the Christmas Ideal for Christ Himself
The Christmas season is upon us, often meaning our joys and sorrows are increasingly magnified. If our lives are brimming with joy and...
A Disney Trip and 3 Reasons I’m Choosing Aunthood
I just got back from Disney World with my parents, siblings, in-laws and five nieces and nephews, twelve of us in all. I’m not really an...