Don’t Get Caught in the Rip Current of Discouragement
Hi Dear Readers, I want to introduce you to my friend Susan Yates. She lives in the Northern...
Ever Get Tired Bearing Someone’s Burdens?
Joshua 22:3-4 For a long time now—to this very day—you have not deserted your brothers but have carried out the mission the Lord your God...
Hearing God In The Quiet
A couple weeks ago I went away for a quiet retreat. The Lord had been nudging me toward a time of solitude, but you know how that...
What I Love About 1, 2 & 3 John
The letters of 1, 2 & 3 John are—how shall I say this—blunt. Which is one of the reasons I've come to love them so much. Sometimes I...
Where Has All The Joy Gone?
These two images represent joy to me. I should first let you know that I am one of those people who has to fight for joy much of...
Cultivate: A Women’s Gathering Around The Word
For the past few years I've dreamt about a women's event that would reflect my love for the Scriptures, acoustic and thoughtful...