Cultivate Fort Collins
MARCH 6 & 7, 2020

Timberline Church
2908 S Timberline Rd
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Leigh Ann Dilley | 970.482.4387

$40 – Early Bird Rate (expires 1/6/20)
$40 – Group Rate (10+)
$45 – General Admission (begins 1/7/20)
$25 – Student Rate

Friday, March 6 | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday, March 7 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

This event features Bible teacher Kelly Minter and the Cultivate Worship Band. It will be held at Timberline Church located in Fort Collins, CO
More Information
What is Cultivate?
Cultivate is an event for women of all ages and stages of life where the focus is on teaching from God’s Word in a welcoming environment. We keep the style simple at Cultivate with acoustic worship from our talented band from Nashville, a time of prayer in community, and an emphasis on missions.
Follow Cultivate Event on Facebook.
Each Cultivate Event has its own page on Facebook where we frequently post updates about the event, social media assets that you can share with the hashtag #CultivateEvent, and special event pricing. You can keep up with all the event updates by liking our event page here.
Want to share with others?
We would love it if you brought the women in your community to Cultivate with you! We encourage you to share about Cultivate to social media or to go ahead and send the information directly to your friends. We’ve tried to make it easy for you with these free assets.