Lessons From The Jungle
Episode 52 | March 7, 2023
Episode 52
Today’s Episode
I just returned from the Amazon jungle, where I spent a week with jungle pastors who serve along the Amazon river. I’ll talk about some of the lessons I learned from them in today’s episode. And how they helped me better understand Paul’s encouragement to run our race for the ultimate prize.
Their encouragement to us will help us step out of our comfort zones and into the boat with Jesus (something the people on the Amazon River do literally). I hope today’s episode encourages you to run the race that Jesus has for you. He will lead you if you’re willing to follow Him.
Episode Points
- If we’re reaping spiritually, we should be giving generously.
- We will only live spiritually disciplined lives if our prize is in focus.
- “Following Jesus was worth it then, it’s worth it now, it’s worth it all.” Pastor Gioval.
Kelly’s first devotional book is available now! The Blessed Life is for anyone willing to take a thoughtful, 90-day journey through the mind, heart, and work of Jesus. Check it out here.
Scripture References
1 Corinthians 9: 9-12
1 Corinthians 9: 24-27
Quote Kelly Mentioned: “In context, the overall argument has to do with putting others before self in order to maximize one’s effectiveness for the gospel, which requires rigorous self-discipline.” Mark Taylor, New American Commentary, 1 Cor.
How Do We Cultivate This in Our Lives?
Take some time to reflect on these questions after you read the passage and listen to the podcast:
- What are some areas in your life God may be asking you to make sacrifices?
- How can you support those who are impacting your spiritual walk?
- Are you focusing on temporal rewards or on what is eternal in this life?
Stuff We Think You’ll Like
- In this episode, Kelly reads Day 69, “Following Jesus,” from her brand new book, The Blessed Life: A 90-Day Devotional Through the Teachings and Miracles of Jesus. Order yours here.
- Kelly’s most recent Bible study release on the book of Ruth called: Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy.
- Opening Music to the Cultivate Podcast is Time For Singing from her project Hymns & Hallelujahs
- Sign up for Kelly’s newsletter at KellyMinter.com
- Connect with Kelly on Instagram and Facebook
- Check out Kelly’s work with Justice & Mercy International in the Amazon and in Moldova
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