Following Jesus Into The Boat
Episode 12 | June 8, 2021
Episode 12
Today’s Episode
What is something the Lord has healed you from? How can you serve and worship Him out of that place of healing? And are you ready to follow Jesus into the boat, even if it means storms? It’s the second week of our Jesus Changes Everything collection! This week we’ll be looking at the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law, as well as what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. We’ll be encouraged that it’s infinitely better to be in a storm with Jesus than it is to be in calm circumstances without Him. And we’ll consider what kind of disciple we really are. An under-eager follower who’s putting off a life with Jesus; An overeager follower who hasn’t counted the cost; Or one who’s in the boat with Jesus, leaning into His presence.
Join me on this journey as we learn more about the healings and miracles of Jesus in this new collection of episodes called Jesus Changes Everything.
Scripture References
- Matthew 8:14-27
- Matthew 12
- Psalm 89:8-9
Relevant Links
- Sign up for Kelly’s newsletter at Kellyminter.com.
- Dive deeper into The Word with one of Kelly’s many Bible Studies.
- Subscribe to the Cultivate Podcast AccessMore so you never miss an episode.
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- Kelly works closely with Justice & Mercy International in the Amazon and in Moldova. You can check out their work here.
- Opening Music to the Cultivate Podcast is Time For Singing from her project Hymns & Hallelujahs.
Stuff We Think You’ll Like
- If you haven’t listened already, don’t miss Episode 11 of the Cultivate Podcast.
- Kelly referenced Episode 1 where she talked about the life of Hannah. Check it out here!
- Dr. Craig Blomberg Quote: “We can’t postpone our response to Jesus because of more pressing human allegiances.”
- Jen Wilkin Quote: “The ones who have fully said yes to Jesus are the ones in the boat.”
- Read more about Kelly’s heart for the Amazon in her book Wherever the River Runs. You can get your copy here!