God Can Use Your Broken Heart

Episode 16 | July 6, 2021

Episode 16

Today’s Episode

Have you ever wondered what God is calling you to do? Or what your purpose is? Sometimes the very thing that breaks your heart is the area of ministry God is calling you to. This week we’re starting a brand new collection of episodes on the book of Nehemiah! We’ll take a look at how Nehemiah’s heart broke for the suffering Jews so much that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to restore their desolate community. It wasn’t easy but God was with him.


Join me as we begin our new 6-episode collection on the book of Nehemiah. I hope that over these next several weeks you will be inspired to listen to what God has put in your heart to do. Let God break your heart for the hurting, because He often uses a breaking heart to restore the broken.

Scripture References

  • Nehemiah 1:1-5; 8-9; 11

  • Nehemiah 2:2-5; 9-12

Main Points

  1. Nehemiah was a man of compassion.
  2. Nehemiah was a man of communion.
  3. Nehemiah was a man of courage.

Stuff We Think You’ll Like

  • Quote from Oswald Chambers – “Prayer is not preparation for the greater work; it is the greater work.”

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