The God Who Speaks
Episode 19 | July 27, 2021
Episode 19
Today’s Episode
The Bible has absolutely changed my life and met me in the deepest places of my heart, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy book to understand. If you feel like the Bible has grown distant or dry, or if you’re simply confused by what you read at times, you’re not alone! This week we’re going to join Nehemiah and the Jewish people of the day opposite the Water Gate in Jerusalem as God’s Word was brought back into the center of city life after a long exile. You’ll be amazed at the people’s reaction—they wept, celebrated, feasted, mourned, studied, and everything in between. God’s Word was and is so compelling.
We’ll also discover that even God’s chosen people needed explanation and instruction about God’s Law. This should encourage us as we seek to grow in our understanding. Perhaps what excites me most is that the Word of God is meant to intersect with our daily lives all these years later. I can’t think of anything more meaningful than hearing God’s voice through its pages.
Scripture References
Nehemiah 8:1-14, 17
Colossians 1:9
Main Points
- The Word of God is for ALL people
- The Word of God is for ALL circumstances
- The Word of God holds ALL authority
- The Word of God is relevant in ALL times
Stuff We Think You’ll Like
Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break
Relevant Links
- Dive deeper into The Word with one of Kelly’s many Bible Studies.
- Sign up for Kelly’s newsletter at Kellyminter.com.
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- Check out Kelly’s work with Justice & Mercy International in the Amazon and in Moldova.
- Opening Music to the Cultivate Podcast is Time For Singing from her project Hymns & Hallelujahs.
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