Psalm 19: God’s Word Can Renew Your Life

Episode 27 | September 21, 2021

Episode 27

Today’s Episode

Psalm 19 is all about God’s desire to speak to us. He not only communicates to our senses through His creation but He speaks directly to us through His Word. Sometimes we need to be reminded of how much God wants to commune with us. Psalm 19 reminds us! In this Psalm, David tells us what God’s Word is: perfect, trustworthy, right, and full of light. And he also tells us what it does: renews our life, gives us wisdom, makes us glad, and lightens our perspective. All positive gifts!

Maybe you grew up in a legalistic environment where Scripture came off as oppressive or only a list of rules. David tells us just the opposite—God’s Word is literally life-giving. He goes so far as to say it tastes sweeter than honey (and I am personally a ridiculous fan of honey). If you need encouragement about God’s Word, if you’ve ever wondered if it is truly good and trustworthy, pull up a chair at my dining room table for this week’s episode. And have some honey. 

Scripture References

Psalm 19:1-11


It is this: The Lord’s instruction is perfect (whole, complete, lacking nothing.)

It does this: It renews one’s life, converts the soul. Revives, refreshes! 

It is this: The Lord’s testimony is trustworthy

It does this: It makes the inexperienced/simple wise

It is this: The Lord’s precepts are right (straight, smooth, upright as opposed to crookedness)

It does this: Making the heart glad. 

It is this:  The Lord’s command is radiant (clear, brilliant, pure light) (sun connection)

It does this: Making the eyes light up/enlightening the eyes


How do we Cultivate this in our lives? 

  • Spend time in God’s Word. Get to know it, study it. Grab some friends and go through a Bible study. 
  • Follow its instructions, because it’s whole, trustworthy, renewing, gladdening.
  • If creation reveals the glory of God, how much more will His Word reveal to us Jesus? His Word is about relationship! He longs to speak to you so spend time drawing near to Him through the study of Scripture. 

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