Episode 37: Praying the Will of God
Episode 37 | November 30, 2021
Episode 37
Today’s Episode
How do we figure out what God’s will is for our life? How do we know how to carry that will out? And what do we pray when we’re not sure what to pray for? Today we’re looking at what the Apostle Paul prayed for the believers at the church in Colossae. And it’s as relevant today as it was then!
I love this Scripture because I can pray it when I don’t have the words to pray. It serves as a guide I can trust, and helps me think of God’s thoughts about my circumstances. It also reminds me of the many blessings we have in Christ: strength, joy, gratitude, redemption, forgiveness, and inheritance… And last but not least, it’s a go-to prayer I often pray for others.
Don’t forget to sign up here for the Encountering God Online Bible study, starting January 13, 2022.
To order the Encountering God Bible study, click here.
Scripture References
Colossians 1:9-14
Main Points
- A right heart comes before a productive ministry.
- When we walk worthy of the Lord, our lives can’t help but bear fruit.
- When our Kingdom reality informs our earthly reality, our earthly reality changes.
Four Things Paul Mentions:
- Bearing fruit in every good work
- Growing in the knowledge of God
- Being strengthened
- Giving Thanks
How do we Cultivate this in our Lives?
- Pray through Colossians 1:9-14. Use each aspect of the prayer as a way to pray your own prayers. For instance, as you pray for wisdom and spiritual understanding, think of the areas in your life where you need this. As you thank God for being rescued from darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of Christ, be specific about how this has happened in your life.
Stuff We Think You’ll Like
- Sign up here for the Encountering God Online Bible study, starting January 13, 2022.
- To order the Encountering God Bible study, click here.
- Dive deeper into The Word with one of Kelly’s many Bible Studies
- Opening Music to the Cultivate Podcast is Time For Singing from her project Hymns & Hallelujahs
- Sign up for Kelly’s newsletter at Kellyminter.com
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- Check out Kelly’s work with Justice & Mercy International in the Amazon and Moldova
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