The Hope and Renewal of God’s Word
Episode 46 | September 6, 2022
Episode 46
Today’s Episode
The Cultivate Podcast is back! I’m so excited to be in my living room walking through 2 Timothy
3:16-17 with you. In this fresh episode, we’ll look at 4 ways God’s Word uniquely impacts our
lives. One of my deepest hopes for this podcast is to help you see how Scripture connects to the
everyday challenges we face and the internal struggles we deal with. God’s Word has renewed
my life, given me hope, and redirected me when I needed it.
In this episode, we’ll get to make these practical and hope-filled connections as we reflect on
the encouragement that the Apostle Paul gave his younger friend Timothy. No matter where
you are in your faith journey, today’s episode about the power of Scripture will be an inspiring
Stuff We Think You’ll Like
- Looking to go deeper? Order the Encountering God Bible here.
- Dive deeper into The Word with one of Kelly’s many Bible Studies
- Opening Music to the Cultivate Podcast is Time For Singing from her project Hymns & Hallelujahs
- Sign up for Kelly’s newsletter at Kellyminter.com
- Connect with Kelly on Instagram and Facebook
- Check out Kelly’s work with Justice & Mercy International in the Amazon and in Moldova
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