Answering God’s Call On Your Life
Episode 57 | August 1, 2023
Episode 57
Today’s Episode
We’re back in the book of Ezra, walking with the exiles who answered the call to return to Jerusalem. For most of them, staying would have been easier. Just like the Jews in the Old Testament it’s easy to stay in our comfort zones, forgetting the privilege of sacrificing for God’s call on our lives.
In today’s episode, we’re talking about the high call of studying and obeying God’s word, living a life worthy of our call, and giving our all for Christ. And we’ll remember that nothing can be accomplished without the grace of God in our lives.
Scripture References
Ezra 7:1-6, 10
Ezra 7:13, 27-28
Ezra 8:15
Ezra 8:28-29
Ezra 9:8-9
Episode Points
- You can only obey what you know, and you can only teach what you’ve obeyed.
- God’s call on your life will require sacrifice. But it’s worth it!
- Since we’re called to handle holy things, we must live holy lives.
- Your calling can only be accomplished by God’s grace.
How Do We Cultivate This in Our Lives?
Take some time to reflect on these questions after you read the passage and listen to the
- Are you studying, obeying and teaching God’s word?
- As the Spirit has stirred in your heart, have you recognized the call He has for you?
- What sacrifices does God’s call on your life require?
- Are you taking seriously your call to live a life that is set apart in how you love, honor and obey the Lord?
- Are you working out of God’s grace rather than your own strength?
More from Kelly
Opening Music to the Cultivate Podcast is Time For Singing from her project Hymns & Hallelujahs
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