God’s Healing God’s Way
Episode 5 | April 20, 2021
Episode 5
“When God brings about our healing we will know that it is Him and only Him.”
Today’s Episode
Have you ever wanted God to bring you healing but on your own terms? Today, Kelly walks us through Naaman’s story in 2 Kings 5. Naaman had wealth, power, and position. He also had an incurable skin disease that none of his resources could remedy. When God’s servant Elisha offered Naaman a prescription for healing, Naaman refused. Why should he, a powerful man with status from a land of clear flowing rivers, dunk himself in the dirty water of the Jordan River? Naaman needed more than physical healing on his own terms; He needed an encounter with the living God. And so do we. We hope you’ll join Kelly for this meaningful episode about seeking God’s healing His way.
Scripture References
2 Kings 5:1-16
James 4:6
John 1:29
Colossians 1:21-22
Relevant Links
- Subscribe to the Cultivate Podcast at AccessMore or wherever you listen to podcasts so you never miss an episode.
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- To find out more about Kelly’s work in the Amazon jungle with Justice & Mercy International you can read one of her most personal books Wherever The River Runs: How A Forgotten People Renewed My Hope In The Gospel.
- To go deeper into topics similar to today’s you can check out Kelly’s Bible study No Other Gods: The Unrivaled Pursuit Of Christ.
- Walter Brueggemann quote from his Lenten devotional book A Way Other Than Our Own.
- Receive a free 21-day devotional called The Blessed Life when you sign up for Kelly’s newsletter at Kellyminter.com. Limited time.
- If you like the opening music to The Cultivate Podcast you can find it on Kelly’s record Hymns & Hallelujahs. The song is Time For Singing.