Hey Everyone,

Summer is almost upon us. For some of us these are the lazy days—the mornings and evenings without alarm clocks and bed times. They are vacations, summer camps, cookouts, pauses in schedules and routines.

But… it’s good to have a plan to stay in the Word. Enter, LifeWay Women to save the summer:

LifeWay is offering an easily accessible and doable Bible study plan for even the craziest of summers. Both Angie Smith and I are incredibly excited to join you this summer through Bible studies we’ve written:

Angie wrote a study called Seamless that focuses on God’s single story of redemption and helps us better understand how all of Scripture ties together.

I wrote a study called What Love Is on the letters of 1, 2 & 3 John that focuses on the rich fundamentals of our faith. Both studies are being offered – or if you really want to be ambitious you can try doing both.

For some extra inspiration, I just returned from the Amazon Jungle and met this incredible woman.

Beautiful believer in the Amazon singing "I'd Rather Have Jesus"

Beautiful believer in the Amazon singing “I’d Rather Have Jesus”

To most, she would be considered the poorest of the poor. But watching this video reminds me of how rich she is. (My two year-old niece has watched this at least 20 times on my iPhone. Her words are, “I like this lady”. Me too.)

So, the unofficial title of this post is “I’d Rather Have Jesus…This Summer”. Plan to be in the Word! You’ll be so thankful come August!

Love and appreciate you all so very much. You all have been so good to me!



