Cultivate LogoFor the past few years I’ve dreamt about a women’s event that would reflect my love for the Scriptures, acoustic and thoughtful music, honest fellowship, all threaded by a passion for missions, both local and international. Eight months ago those years of dreaming turned into several months of praying, asking God if this was a gathering He wanted me (and a few special people around me) to put together. Several weeks later we came up with a name: Cultivate. And then a bit more description: A Women’s Gathering Around The Word. A few months after that we invited Michelle Margiotta, former worship leader at Times Square Church in NYC, to join a small trio of musicians to lead in worship. Without giving everything away, I have an invitation for you…

If you live in the Nashville area, or are willing to pile in a car with some friends, would you consider joining us this Friday evening and Saturday morning, August 15-16, for our first ever Cultivate(Details here). I would love to experience this dream become a reality with you as we are filled with God’s Word, inspired through worship, encouraged in fellowship and absolutely energized by mission. All with the expectation that Jesus will be there waiting for us.

***All proceeds will be benefit the great work of Justice and Mercy International.

Feel free to email or call Bethany Bordeaux at or 615.410.2282 for further information. 


Important Ruth Study Update (Part II)

We just got several studies into the store today so feel free to order from there. If you have a particularly large order, email us at info@livingroomseries and we will help you get what you need as soon as possible. Thanks! -April

Hey Everyone. Just wanted to give you all an update on the Ruth Study since we have been getting so many inquiries. It is currently out of stock but we should have plenty available in the next week or so. We are so sorry for this inconvenience and would love to help those beginning the study by sending you the first two weeks in a PDF file so you can stay on track. If this would be of help to you, please email us at and we’ll email it to you right away.

As well, if you’re looking for the study please check with your local LifeWay Store because many of the stores still have plenty of copies.

Also, we’ve still got some Ruth CD’s. So if you’re in need of those you can order from the store or download from iTunes. Thanks everyone and please let us know if we can send you the first two weeks of Ruth via email.

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Snowing in Nashville

This is a thrilling day here in Nashville, TN. Please read this slowly: It is snowing! And when I say snowing I do not mean a dusting, sleet, ice, flakes that don’t stick, frost, or the anticipation of snow. I actually mean snow. Real individual flakes that are falling en masse to a surface that is currently somewhere below freezing. I have been waiting for this day in Nashville for years. (To read rest of blog click the title…)

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Some Questions For You To Answer

I am writing from Houston, TX. Had a great couple sessions kicking-off “No Other Gods” at Friendswood Community Church. Tonight we are off to Marquez, TX and then tomorrow morning we are flying to New Orleans for a women’s event a few hours outside of all the beignets and jambalaya. It’s going to be an exciting run.

In the meantime, I have a big favor to ask of anyone who is willing to share her thoughts: I am writing a new book on the classic virtues (godly character traits) in the Bible. I want to come at this from a very here-and-now angle. What I mean by this is: I don’t want to approach things like forgiveness, patience, integrity, etc. from a lofty, textbook approach because we need these things in REAL life, right? I want to really study them for what they are, while also looking at the power that only Jesus can give us to live these guys out.

I am passionate about these character qualities because they have made a huge difference in my life, and yet I feel there is little being said about them collectively right now. So here are my questions for anyone who is gracious enough to share: (Click on the title of the blog to continue reading and/or to comment!)

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For Haiti

I John 3:16-18, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” [Click the title of the blog to read more]…

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2010 Thoughts

Okay, I cannot lie. Monday, January 4th, 2010 was a huge downer for me… Since there was actually no catastrophe I should should probably back that up a bit-I was a bit bummed. I found it surprisingly difficult to get back into the swing of things, mostly because I had the most amazing time off. Lots of relaxing days with dear friends, family, great food, a lot of snow, too much shopping and football watching, lingering time with God, deep conversations, much needed rest – just an overall amazing break. Strange how this past Monday loomed over me simply because of one small word. Work. (click the title to keep reading)

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